Saturday, September 22, 2007

A rose by any other name...

I’ve never really been given a formal job description and title, which caused a bit of confusion at the beginning. I had imagined (based on the sketchy description they explained during my interview) something in the lines of analyst, or researcher.

As it turns out, I am practically supposed to be able to do everything and anything, short of making coffee for the boss. I’ve been asked to brief him on how his newest gadget works, and charge its batteries while I’m at it. I’ve been asked to touch up photos, and run errands to get it printed, framed and delivered. I’ve been asked to look for gifts and birthday cards and books. I’ve been asked to answer to invitations and letters and a whole lot of other secretarial stuff. Practically, this adds up to one thing: I am an assistant.

And the whole of last week, my work consisted primarily of filing uh… files. Because we all know that I signed up for this job to be a filing assistant.

However, on top of that I have also been asked to be policy expert, speechwriter, event organizer, analyst, and researcher. I have no idea what that makes me. Finally, for the sake of having something to put in my CV, I decided to settle with "executive assistant" as my self-proclaimed position in this current employment.

Because it would be rather odd to come across “Work Experience/ Position: Government/ Multi-Tasker” on a resume.

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