Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Logic

If, indeed, there was anything remotely interesting going on in my brain they go through this fancy percolator these days called social media filters. Simple days are gone, I tell you, they are gone.

Is the Remotely Interesting Thing:

a. In the form of a YouTube clip?  Post it on facebook.
b. Something that would lose its Remote Interestingness if more than a sentence long? Post it on twitter.
c. A link about climate change, green shit, renewable whatevers, and law? Post it on twitter.
d. A (rare) thought about climate change, green shit, renewable whatevers, and law? Post it on green blog.
e. A rhyme? Post it on twitter but wait till Friday.
f. Something which Remote Interestingness would be enhanced by loyal likes and adorably sarcastic comments? Post it on facebook.
g. A rather long nice quote? Post it on facebook.
h. An extremely random attention-seeking thought? Post it on twitter
i. A fragment of a fictional plot? Don't post it.
j.  Something to do with family, romance, work, friends, ex-es, bosses, the past, daily life, future plans? Post it on pseudonym blog. Ha.Yes.
k. A neutral nondescript depiction of something not too significant? Post it here.

Divided, we fall.