Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wait just a minute.

It is a Sunday night and I am thinking back to what might be the highlight of my past week. Because, I need a justification for procrastinating my self-inflicted study schedule. Thinking positive things is productive (so say personality development gurus), and is at any rate better than watching porn (which was my second choice for procrastination). Shocked, you say? Well who says girls can’t watch a good dose of porn every once in a while, eh?

Anyways, didn’t do that.

I sifted through various moments and then finally hit upon one which I never really thought much of until just this very minute. It was the moment I discovered I’m getting paid for my article that got published on The Jakarta Post, which officially makes it a milestone in my life for being my Very First Professionally Paid Publication! That’s like a dream come true, that is.

Funny it took me a week to figure that out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So tell me, why did Bupati Jembrana lose?
And was the Jakarta Pilkada a success or has politics sabotaged it?
