Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On style and success.

I'm not the most fashionable girl in the world, but I am definitely itching to provide style tips to some girls at my office. This does not make me a superficial person; I think it was Chanel who said, a woman can be unfashionable but she must have style.

I learned it the hard way. When I was in high school my friends would laugh at my bright-green socks, which I had since I was 10. When I was in university my male friends would shake their heads at my baggy rapper jeans. "We love you just the way you are, but you need to be optimized", they said. The first time I had a creambath for my hair, they noticed. And dearest Mom never lets me out of the house without quality control. Of course this depends on every individual's milieu, and since I was in law school people generally liked a bit of conservatism.

And so it applies to lawyers. Of course, brain matters most and beauty comes from within, but style is an obtainable skill so there's no reason why not. It needs to make you presentable, allow a good visual first impression, but not stand out like an attention seeker. It's really just science.

Your front buttons shouldn't look like they are about to burst.
Your hair doesn't need to be greasy.
Your blouse shouldn't be made of napkin-like fabric.
Your shoes/bag shouldn't look like they are trying too hard to be leather.

Really. If I were Partner, I would take them out for a girly shopping session and buy them stuff. (I must mention this when I present my pitch for partnership).

PS: Inspired to post this suddenly because my classmates are generally stylish, even the geeky ones. Wondering whether Style equals Success or whether Success gives you Style. Hmm.

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