Monday, September 01, 2008


With some trepidation, I approached the stainless steel weighing machine. My trainer fiddled around with some buttons, and the dash on the screen started blinking for an agonizingly long time. My bare feet felt cold against the metal scale and I twisted my little towel nervously between my hands. Finally, the screen gave us numbers. And this is the verdict:

you have gained 2% more body fat than the last time you were here.
you have gained 1.2 kilos more body weight than the last time you were here.

My trainer looked at me with an amused look on his face and said:

“What did you eat in Padang??”


Anonymous said...

Yeap, noticeable even when we last met, Tiz. Your hips particularly. I know it's not good to say all this, but honesty's the best policy.
Hope you can lose weight during this Ramadhan.
Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. :)

Teez said...

Gasp !!!

Anonymous said...

Love you lots when you're gasping!

Anonymous said...

you went to padang and you gained 1.2 kilos? you are blessed, tiz. i go out on any given weekend i can easily gain 3 kilos... kid you not.