Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The mystery of prestige.

The best thing about working here is the fact that people are impressed.

My business card and the business-email address have been the subject of dramatic reactions amongst friends, most eloquent of which was, “omigosh you should get this framed!” (Speaking of frames, my mother had insisted on framing my picture with the big boss and sending one to each of her siblings, much to my embarrassment. Don’t worry I promise you won’t see it on facebook). Others are impressed with my car-sticker that allows me to go through the 3-in-1 alone (government perks, heheh, don’t you civilians just hate that?)

So it was that when I met a friend and casually told her I was getting a new job next year, her eyes almost popped out and she gasped, “Why??” And of course, the dreaded subsequent question which quickly followed, “Where are you going next?”

I can’t say I’m entirely comfortable with the reactions. Apparently, future job (albeit in my view a very distinguished profession) does not generate the same kind of excitement and awe as current job, because you can find a million people doing future job.

So I explained a simplified version of my reasons to said friend, but while doing so felt slightly irritated that I had to explain myself at all. It was obviously a well thought-out decision, one that I’m excited about making, but it’s tiresome that I need to actually explain those reasons to everyone I know just because it’s less impressive.

As for myself, I’m pretty sure the one thing I’ll miss most about this job is blogging (and having the time to blog) about it.


Claire said...

oalah hehe aku ae pingin kok kerja jadi staf Bapak'e.Kesannya penting.hihih
Gud luck ya

Rob Baiton said...

Photos and the other perks aside...this other distiguished profession that you are about to enter into is what?

My advice, not that it is needed or wanted or required or a large number of other 'ors' that I could write, is think about No.1 first.

The reality is that you will never be able to please everyone else so do what pleases you and let everyone else get used to it!

But, as I said I would love to know what it is you've signed up for next...

Anonymous said...

hey, how come i've never gotten your flashy namecard? i sure could use it as a souvenir, and frame it myself to show people i have inside connections with THE office. HAHAHAHAHAHKK!