Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lessons in Typing

The secretary informed me that I needed to fill the travel form using the typewriter.

I stared at her in horror. The typewriter?

The typewriter, is the dinosaur of computers. In some countries, it is fossilized and placed in museums. It has buttons instead of a keyboard. And when you mis-type, you cannot delete.

That is practically all I knew about typewriters. I approached the “thing” doubtfully and fiddled around with it for a minute or two. It made shocking loud jabbing noises as I pressed the buttons. At this point the office boy passed by and noticed my bewilderment.

“You need help?” he said.

“Umm… yes. Where does the paper go?”

He ended up giving me a full course on typewriting.
And then he completely re-did my work (either by kindness or exasperation) because it was too blotched up.

*picture taken from www.lomography.com


Anonymous said...

shoulda posted an image of the real "thing".... it's equally as huge as a dinosaur.

Anonymous said...

i laughed aloud reading this post. man, this reminds me of a week ago when mr. bf and i went to mangga dua for laptop shopping, and he whispered to me:

"hey do these people still sell typewriters?"

my goodness. :D

by the way, i had so much fun last week. we should get together more often :D

Anonymous said...

J had the same experience recently, when I pulled out an Olivetti type writer that I was about to use to type an address on an envelope. He was amazed. It's so uncool, dad. He said. But I taught him how to use it so that should he, in the future, be facing an old gadget like this, he'd be able to use it, without causing any one office boy to get exasperated... hahah