Friday, August 04, 2006

The temporary pedestrian

"Brick, cobblestone and wood plank pavements were once common in urban areas throughout the world, but due to their high manual labor requirements they are in some countries typically only maintained for historical reasons, while in other countries they are still common in local streets."

In any event, I had a morning jog by the river with its cobblestone pavements. The morning was beautiful, the river was calm and deep green. By simple logic, obviously this is not Jakarta. Whether brick or cobblestone or asphalt, whether for aesthetic or historical reasons, whether for economic or cultural purposes (like, Javanese people don't like walking), Jakarta does not have significant pavements, let alone clean deep-green rivers. I'm very jealous. :( It's simply wrong for a midget country, a tiny red dot on the map to be this nice. For the sake of bittersweet chauvinism I shall say that despite everything Jakarta is ... exhilarating, unpredictable, and mysteriously lovable. In a way it's true; I actually can't wait to go home and embrace the familiar chaos.

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