“My job isn’t interesting!!” I said, while the bf looked taken aback and rather hurt by my statement.
“Don’t say that.” he said earnestly. He said it with the air of someone who has had a love and hate relationship with his job for a long time. He said it with the air of someone who was afraid that if innermost thoughts were spoken out loud and audibly those innermost thoughts would become too real for comfort.
Whether my assumptions were correct or not, there really was no need for him to worry.
“All I’m saying” I said, “is that there’s no story to tell. I love my job, I just can’t explain my fascination for it to other people in time to finish before they fall asleep.”
“John Grisham” he said, “told exciting thriller stories.”
“Of scandals in big firms. What if there are no scandals? What if people don’t get any more evil beyond just plain annoying?”
We fell silent for a while and started thinking of possible scandals to fabricate.
“Once upon a time…” I said slowly, “there lived a corporate lawyer who … found that her client’s maturity date had been unilaterally shifted by the creditor in violation of the facility terms.”
The bf dropped his head and snored.
“Don’t say that.” he said earnestly. He said it with the air of someone who has had a love and hate relationship with his job for a long time. He said it with the air of someone who was afraid that if innermost thoughts were spoken out loud and audibly those innermost thoughts would become too real for comfort.
Whether my assumptions were correct or not, there really was no need for him to worry.
“All I’m saying” I said, “is that there’s no story to tell. I love my job, I just can’t explain my fascination for it to other people in time to finish before they fall asleep.”
“John Grisham” he said, “told exciting thriller stories.”
“Of scandals in big firms. What if there are no scandals? What if people don’t get any more evil beyond just plain annoying?”
We fell silent for a while and started thinking of possible scandals to fabricate.
“Once upon a time…” I said slowly, “there lived a corporate lawyer who … found that her client’s maturity date had been unilaterally shifted by the creditor in violation of the facility terms.”
The bf dropped his head and snored.