Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Dictionary of Misunderstood Words

(inspired by Milan Kundera)

He yearned for a relationship of equal partnership where the little responsibilities of life are shared together. Partnership was the foundation for a sustainable and understanding relationship. It was also a pre-requisite for commitment: when she was passive and did not play into her role as equal partner, he was afraid of committing himself to her.

She yearned for a relationship of equal partnership where the little responsibilities of life are shared together. But, for her partnership was the outcome of commitment. Afraid of selling herself short, she would hesitate from being proactive and full of initiative when she wasn’t sure of his commitment to her.

He needed proof of partnership to commit. She needed proof of commitment to partner.

He saw friends as a means to an end. They form interconnected dots which team up to become the network of his life. There is a reason for being, and that reason will manifest in the future. When he socialized, it was an act of investment for his future.

She saw friends as a moment. She did not know whether they would still be there in the future, she did not care whether they were ever in her past. Her friends form little moments in her life: happy and sad moments filled with different characters. She crystallized the little moments and collected them in her pocket to make herself rich.

He thought she forgot him when she was with her friends. She thought he didn’t enjoy being with her friends.

He saw focus as a means to arrive at your destination. She thought focus made you miss out on the scenery.

He liked watching movies and thought of it as a relaxing hobby. He enjoyed spending weekends with her going to the cinemas and discussing the movie with her afterwards.

She thought the perfect date was a night full of conversation in a cozy atmosphere over drinks. She thought the movies hampered conversation.

He often thought of her as selfish. She would become absorbed in her work, she would rarely call or text to say hello. He would purposely wait to see if she missed him.

She often thought of him as selfish. He would become absorbed in his work, he would rarely call or text to say hello. She would purposely wait to see if he missed her.


Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more on that "partnership" term..haha

Anonymous said...

My, this is good writing, Tiz.

Be patient, be honest, be forgiving.

A bit hard when you're young, but start early, you'll reap a good harvest. R.

Ov said...

love it. =)

Lady Jasmine said...

I actually I wrote something about this as well... on how boys n girls always took a different meaning to a word... it's called Lunch Talk n it's in http://fanfiction.net/~ayashitetsuko ^^y


Vahd Mulachela said...


i like this posting.