Sunday, September 23, 2007

My favorite fasting topic: Food.

The best thing to do during fasting month is to cook. As you work with the food your sight and senses are invoked, and yet you are forbidden to taste it. It is like teasing foreplay. You can only imagine, through the smell and the sound of simmers and sizzles, what it will taste like in the end. And this doubles the pleasure of finally eating when the time comes (except, of course, if it turns out looking like an incinerated version of what was originally planned).

But this post’s raison d’etre is not to wax lyrical on the sophisticated joys of cooking. That would be rather over the top coming from me. The only reason I cooked on Sunday was because I was accompanying my brother (who actually wanted to cook) at the grocery store in the morning and I suddenly felt the urge to shop. And I suddenly felt the urge to buy expensive shrimp. And so on.

Anyways, pictures!

Teez's Penne with Pan-Fried Shrimp in Tomato Puree topped with Cilantro and Black Olives

Brother's Soft & Chewy Oatmeal Cookies

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